There is a power play going on in the Department of Investigation (DOI).
Re-posted from NYC Public Voice March 31, 2018
Mark Peters, NYC’s Commissioner For the Department of Investigation, Fires Anastasia Coleman, Special Commissioner of Investigation (SCI)
There is disarray at the New York City SCI Office, now called “Squad 11/DOE”, that’s for sure. Commissioner Anastasia Coleman was fired on March 28 2018 by Department of Investigation Chief Mark Peters. We already know about the OSI mess with Wei Liu. As active researchers into 3020-a arbitration and State and Federal Court cases, for now 15 years, we have evidence of the corruption within the organizations set up to investigate corruption, namely OEO, OSI, and SCI. It’s not pretty.
SCI was set up by Executive Order 11, after James Gill, father to former DOI Chief Rose Gill Hearn, issued his “Gill Commission Report” as well as “Investigating the Investigators” (May 26, 2014):
The Gill Commission Report (1990) and the Denial of Due Process Rights By the “Investigators” in the Special Commissioner of Investigation (SCI) Office
How this will all iron out is unknown at this point, but I would love to have a one-to-one chat with Ms. Coleman! Is there a coverup of someone or something?
Just askin’.
Betsy Combier
Editor, ADVOCATZ.com
Editor, Parentadvocates.org
Editor, New York Court Corruption
Editor, NYC Rubber Room Reporter
Editor, NYC Public Voice
Editor, National Public Voice
Editor, Inside 3020-a Teacher Trials
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