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EXCLUSIVE: Teachers Accused of Paying For Fake COVID Vaccination Cards Are Vindicated, Return To Their Jobs and Get Backpay

We won!

ORDER OF JUDGE ABADI in Kambouris et al. v New York City Department of Education, David Banks, Chancellor, and David Weisberg, Deputy Chancellor  (Index No. 518863/2022)

On January 5, 2023, the 30 teachers who were cruelly removed from salary and put on leave without pay on April 25, 2022, were all given back their jobs, backpay and benefits by Kings County Judge Gina Abadi. I am proud to say that I put the case together and my work in a Court of Appeals case was used for the pleading. The teachers had asked the UFT General Counsel Beth Norton for help, but she insisted that everyone had to wait until Arbitrator Martin Scheinman made a decision on what should happen to the teachers.

We did not wait for Martin Scheinman, and went ahead with filing a lawsuit independently of the UFT. I’m glad we did, because the UFT case did not win the backpay: ORDER-Bluth.

I am posting the Scheinman Award June 27 2022 that the NYC DOE had to put everyone back on salary and give them a due process hearing. His voice in this matter had no relevancy other than to put another lock on the crypt of the NYC DOE blunders.

The UFT relies upon Martin Scheinman to decide all matters, and I don’t understand why. In this matter, Mr. Scheinman had no role to play, as the issue of the NYC DOE not complying with Education Law 3020 and 3020-a was always clear. Certainly his opinion that everyone needed to be put back on salary and be given due process helped, no doubt about that.

The NYC DOE violated the 14th Amendment and protections given in the Law and the UFT contract, and they had to be held accountable. We did that. Judge Abadi agreed with us. Interestingly, no one at the UFT has emailed or contacted anyone in the case to say how great the news is, what happens next, etc. No one has received any help or support from the UFT. Zip. Nada. Many are very angry, mixed with confusion and questions.

I also must make special mention here of Gerald Conroy, the key person in making the disastrous blunder mentioned in this case – namely the finding of probable guilt for hundreds of professional people without a single hard fact to prove anything. Mr. Conroy is Deputy Commissioner of the office of the Special Commissioner of Investigation for the New York City School District since 2001 (see his Affirmation, below) and he also is a paid employee of the Department. According to, he made $190,554 in 2021. His leap of bad faith in finding probable cause for all those people going to Wild Child to get vaccinated caused the Department of Education to take everyone off salary on April 25, 2022 with one day notice. In my opinion, Mr. Conroy is not an independent investigator. In his Affirmation he wrote

“I have been assigned to direct SCI’s ongoing investigation of allegations that, among other things, DOE employees submitted false documents in response to DOE COVID-19 mandates. These documents purport to show that the employees received the
required COVID-19 vaccination when, in fact, evidence obtained by SCI to date demonstrates that this is very likely to be untrue.”

Conroy Affirmation

We never saw that “evidence” and none was ever provided to anyone.

The incompetence or political collusion of the SCI Agents is legendary in NYC. See: Veronica Hernandez Case

From day one, which was April 19, 2022, when the Notice was sent out to about 82 educators that the NYC Department of Education was removing each of them from their salary because they had bought their CDC  vaccination cards at Wild Child in Amityville, N.Y., I never believed it.

Tenure Law – Education Law 3020 and 3020-a – cannot be altered, bargained away, or ignored, and this law mandates that before any NYC DOE employees are removed from salary they must be given a due process hearing pursuant to Education Law 3020 and 3020-a.The NYC DOE made the horrendous mistake of saying that anyone who went to Wild Child was guilty of fraud and never got the shot, but paid for a fake card in order to keep working for the Department after the COVID Mandate was put into place.  Huh?

For twenty years I have been studying the inner workings of the NYC DOE, first as a parent advocate, then as an advocate for anyone of any age. Every day I read the law and look up due process in cases filed in New York State or in the U.S. My conclusion is that the NYC DOE files charges against anyone because they want to, or someone has made a complaint. If there are no facts, the NYC DOE Attorneys will make up the “truth” in order to win the only goal: termination.

But I have never heard of nor been involved with any removal of possibly 90+ employees of the DOE all at once because they were allegedly in the same place in the period between September 2021-March 2022. This absurd charge is the same as if you go to a bank to make a deposit, and suddenly a group of people come in with masks and guns and decide to rob the bank. When the police come you are arrested because you were there, so you must be part of the robber gang. This is nuts.

You can read up on this case below:

NYC teachers accused of filing fake COVID vaccine cards must be returned to their jobs

Teachers Accused of Faking Their COVID Vaccination Deserve Due Process

Court Says “No” To NYC DOE Injunction That Keeps Teachers With Alleged “Fake” Vax Cards Off Salary

UPDATES ON The Alleged “Fake” Vaccination Card Fraud Scheme and 82 Educators Employed By the NYC Department of Education

Kings County Supreme Court Judge Gina Abadi joins Judges Ralph Porzio, Arlene Bluth, and Lyle Frank in the “Winners of the Award of Judicial Excellence” given to decisions made in Court that provide the victims the justice they requested.

Let us all hope that these Judges keep on this path and remain committed to correcting the mistakes of NYC  government personnel with malicious goals in mind who destroy the lives of others.

A toast to a great New Year!

Betsy Combier, Editor
Editor, ADVOCATZ Blog
Editor, NYC Rubber Room Reporter
Editor, New York Court Corruption
Editor, National Public Voice
Editor, NYC Public Voice
Editor, Inside 3020-a Teacher Trials 
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