- Betsy Combier Unravels 3020-a Arbitration in New York City
- The “Gotcha Squad” and the New York City Rubber Rooms
- Winning Your 3020-A: the Investigation (Part 1)
- The Partnership of Bully Power and Media Can Convict a Teacher at 3020-a
- The Unlawful Randomness of Labor Arbitration 3020-a in New York City
- Winning Your 3020-a Arbitration: Fire Your NYSUT Attorney, Don’t Settle
- The New York City Rubber Room Anti-Teacher Charging Process Shows How Corrupt the Carmen Farina-Bill De Blasio Department of Education Really Is. by Betsy Combier
- Prohibit The Department of Education Lawyers From Using The Danielson Rubric For Observation Reports and 3020-a Arbitration
- Stellar, Dedicated Teacher Eileen Ghastin Fights the Arbitrator’s Decision To Suspend Her For Four Weeks After Almost Being Beaten Up in Her Class
- Outrage Spreads Throughout New York City And State At The Sell-out of Members’ Rights By The United Federation of Teachers (UFT) And the Unity Caucus
- Attorney Michael Francis: Suborning Perjury at 3020-a
- Why Observation Reports Should Not Be Used To Terminate a Tenured Employee at 3020-a by Betsy Combier
- What Does “Indemnification” of School Administrators Mean?
- Inside 3020-a Teachers’ Trials
- The 3020-a Arbitration Newswire: Changing “Rules”
- Ten of the twenty-four 3020-a Arbitrators Quit the NYC UFT/DOE Panel
- The New York City Rubber Room Anti-Teacher 3020-a Charging Process
- NYSUT Changes To Tenure and the Tenured Teacher Removal Process in 3020-a….What a Scam
- The 3020-a Arbitration Newswire: Dennis Walcott’s Speech on “Ending Just Cause at 3020-a”
- The 3020-a Arbitration Newswire: UFT/DOE Partnership of Harm For Charged DOE Employees
- The 3020-a Arbitration Newswire: Gotcha Squad Attorney Ian Nikol
- The 3020-a Arbitration Newswire: Winning and Losing Appeals and the Teacher-Principal Relationship
- The 3020-a Arbitration Newswire: Digging Up The Garbage on The XEROX Machine
- The 3020-a Arbitration Newswire: Digging Up The Garbage on the DOE Lawyers -Shareema Abel
- The 3020-a Arbitration Newswire: Digging Up The Garbage on the Vouchers Paid To Arbitrators
- The 3020-a Arbitration newswire: Digging Up The Garbage on the Rubber Room